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February 28, 2024

10 Delicious Snacks for Your Next Girls’ Trip

Category: Nutrition, Recipes

Getting ready for a fun-filled trip with the ladies? Whether you’re preparing for a glamorous weekend or an adventurous camping trip, one thing is certain: You and your besties need satisfying snacks to keep your energy up for all the festivities.

Here, you’ll find crowd-pleasing snack ideas that are perfect for your upcoming girls’ trip!

Fuel Your Fun with These Yummy Treats

A road trip up north to a family cabin on the lake. An out-of-state vacation to the desert for a weekend of hiking. The possibilities are endless, but the most important thing is quality time with the ladies.

There’s a lot of excitement when it comes to planning a girls’ trip. Activities and lodging are the most fun parts of planning, but snacks are a big aspect you can’t forget about.

Eating out at bars and restaurants is part of the fun of a trip, but it can’t be the only food people eat. It’s important to have snacks readily available during travel and downtime.

Here are a bunch of solid options to consider during your planning.

Wholesome and Filling Snacks

As tempting as it is to pack a bunch of candy, it’s better to stock up on snacks with nutritional value. What nutrients are we talking about here? There are a lot of them!

You’ll want to focus on nutrients that’ll help keep you full and energized throughout a long, activity-filled trip. Carbohydrates and protein are perfect for this! Here’s what the experts have to say:

“Carbohydrates provide the body with glucose, which is converted to energy used to support bodily functions and physical activity.” – Harvard School of Public Health

“Protein is important because it provides the amino acids your body needs to build and repair muscle.” – Mayo Clinic

Snacks that contain protein and carbs will be filling and help give you a boost throughout the trip. Let’s lay out some tasty ideas in a few different categories.

Protein-Based Snacks

There’s a lot to like about Lorissa’s Kitchen Beef Sticks. They’re made with 100% grass-fed beef and have no preservatives, antibiotics or added growth hormones.

But best of all, they taste great and contain 6 grams of protein per serving. They’re slow-smoked and seasoned with simple ingredients like black pepper, garlic and onion.

But there are other protein snacks available as well. If meat isn’t your thing, the Mayo Clinic recommends foods such as soybeans (20 grams per cup) and legumes such as chickpeas (about 15 grams per cup).

Carb Snacks

Is there a nutrient that’s more misunderstood than the carbohydrate? It’s true that there are unhealthy carbs (cookies, soda, etc.), but there are healthy carbs that are important for a healthy body.

“The healthiest sources of carbohydrates—unprocessed or minimally processed whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans—promote good health by delivering vitamins, minerals, fiber, and a host of important phytonutrients.” – Harvard

With this information in mind, let’s focus on whole grains and vegetables when choosing carb snacks.

Whole-Grain Snacks

  • Bars made with oats (like granola bars)
  • Whole wheat crackers
  • Melba toast
  • Popcorn

Veggie Snacks

Honestly, you’re good with pretty much any vegetables except potatoes, which are loaded with starch. Carrots, peppers, green beans, broccoli and anything else you can pack will work great.

Savory Snacks

Carbs and protein are important, but satisfying your cravings is also a big deal when traveling. When people get bored and cranky, sometimes it only takes a savory snack to turn things around.

There are plenty of kinds of delectable snacks to bring on a trip. Some of these can include:

  • Cheese: Slices of mozzarella or cheddar. Cheese can be paired easily with whole-grain slices of bread or crackers Or, bring individually-wrapped string cheese or cheese sticks!
  • Nuts: You can buy pre-packaged nuts or make your own nut mixes at home. These are incredibly delicious with savory trail mixes or nuts topped with spicy seasonings.
  • Chips: You could do classic greasy potato chips or go for more nutritious alternatives like tortilla chips or even baked chips.

But if you want a truly savory experience, look no further than meat snacks. Lorissa’s Kitchen beef steak strips and chicken breast cuts are top-notch in this category. 

These strips and cuts come in options such as Original, Korean Barbecue and Ginger Teriyaki. With these wide-ranging possibilities, you can satisfy sweet and savory cravings at the same time.

Meat strips and cuts are similar to beef jerky in flavor, but their texture is different (much more tender). However, if you want more rugged and traditional jerky, then you can’t go wrong with Wild River Mild Old Fashioned Beef Jerky.

Snacks for Outdoor Adventures

Let’s say your version of a fun girls’ trip is outdoorsy and physical. Maybe a getaway vacation includes going hiking, kayaking or spending a long weekend camping.

No matter what the specifics are, the snacks will need to stack up to a more physically demanding experience. This means considering some specific elements such as portability and shelf-life.

Snacks made for the outdoors should be easy to take anywhere. They should be small enough to fit in tiny bags or even just clothing pockets. Foods should also be non-perishable and be able to last a long time without refrigeration.

Ideal Snacks for Outdoor Adventures

  • Trail Mix: Trail mix has been enjoyed by lovers of the great outdoors for generations. It’s portable, lasts a long time, contains protein and tastes great. You can make your own and tailor it to your taste preferences.
  • Energy Bars: For more intense activities, a good protein bar can satisfy you. They usually contain hundreds of calories and large portions of protein and carbs. Not usually the best choice for an average day, but perfect for workouts.
  • Meat Snacks: Lorissa’s Kitchen Snack Pack Sticks are a great portable treat when you need a boost. They’re only 17 grams each and can fit anywhere, but they also contain 4 grams of protein per serving and come in flavors like Original and Jalapeno.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Healthy Snacks That Are Also Satisfying?

You can’t go wrong with fruits like bananas and apples. They’re wholesome but also sweet like candy. Be sure to wash the apples before heading out so they’re ready to eat.

How Can I Make Sure My Snacks Don’t Get Crushed or Melted on an Outdoor Adventure?

The best way is to buy snacks that are packaged for this purpose or are naturally durable. For example, nuts and beef sticks are usually rugged enough to handle outdoor journeys.

What Are Some Portable Snack Options for a Long Road Trip?

Good question. There are loads of choices, but let’s go with a quick list: meat snacks, trail mix, apples and energy bars.

Can You Recommend Some Gluten-Free or Vegan Snack Options?

Lorissa’s Kitchen Original Beef Sticks are gluten-free! And for a tasty but simple vegan snack, we can’t recommend roasted chickpeas enough.

Girls’ Trips Aren’t Complete Without the Right Snacks

To have the best girls’ trip ever, you need snacks that’ll give you energy and make your taste buds happy. Of course, this all depends on your individual needs and preferences.

If you prefer to lounge for a weekend, you might not need snacks to be as filling. If you’re planning on doing a lot of hiking, you’ll want some more heavy-duty foods.

What are your favorite snacks to bring on your girls’ trips? Let us know!

Lorissa’s Kitchen does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.